Fight the Virus - join me
Like probably a lot of you, we are in lockdown in Belgium. It isn’t fun but I understand perfectly well that it’s the only correct way to go. COVID-19 brings out the toilet paper hoarders, incapable politicians and other idiots. But luckily there are also people who take up responsibility, come up with innovative ideas and make the best of the situation. It’s those positive stories that I’d like to see and share. Therefor I’m starting the #fightthevirusproject
In short: use the hashtag #fightthevirusproject to share your ideas, solutions, inspiration, questions, … on instagram about how we can deal with this lockdown situation.
Some examples of what I’m looking for:
A good idea to keep your kids to a school schedule while at home.
Which tools do you use to collaborate with your colleagues now that you can’t meet at the office?
How can we help small businesses survive?
Tips for a family activities.
How to make soft toilet paper out of your phone bills?
What’s the best way to help your elderly neighbours?
Can you build a gym without any specialised equipment?
The idea is to share your experiences, learn from others, inspire each other and keep our hopes up.
My girlfriend and I decided to weather this storm together with our combined 5 kids. Even after just one weekend, it has become clear that this is going to be a challenge. But we’ve already explored some options.
Time to get out the board games
Bake some delicious pie
Relax and admire the artwork made by one of the other kids
Today, on the first day without school, I decided to see if we could establish at least a bit of structure to our days. I took the 4 girls to the forest to start the day with a bit of a workout. I think we all enjoyed it and we all get some exercise at our own level. To be continued …
The forest is still safe and nothing beats a morning run in the woods.
Feel free to go to my instagram account, subscribe to the #fightthevirusproject hashtag and share your own experiences. I’m looking forward to see and read what you guys come up with. If you like this project, please share it wherever you can. The more participants, the more we’ll all learn.
Stay safe my friends!