
It’s been awfully quiet here but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything. Granted, not very much, but I did try. Over at the KAGE Collective we tried to force ourselves back into gear with the #kage202202 project. We kind of knew that it wouldn’t be smooth sailing and that our skills were a bit rusty. But sometimes you just have to get started without putting too much hopes into the immediate results.
Here are some of the pictures I’ve made for the project:
Every project starts with a camera, coffee and a notebook.
The month started with Kobe’s 19th birthday. I’m glad to report that he, unlike last year, finally got to throw a party with his buddies to celebrate his adulthood. No dads allowed, so I’m absolutely sure, it was a great party.
Most of the month the weather was just miserable which didn’t do much good to my mood and the motivation to go out and shoot.
A few rays of sunlight were all we got to last us through the last winter month. But by the time i’m writing this we are enjoying some very nice sunny days.
The best sports to watch is when your own family participates:
Even better is when you get to be active yourself. In the run-up to a (for me) pretty challenging 2 day gravel cycling event in June, I’ve been devoting a big chunk of my sparse spare time to getting in some sort of shape.
There was also a bit of nudity.
The project ended like it begon …
a camera
The notebook got used as well but I’m going to need some time to process what I wrote during the project. A lot of questions have popped up because of the project, but the answers have remained a bit illusive up until now. But somehow I’m confident that eventually this project will give me some direction going forward.