Bert StephaniJanuary 30, 2023fuji, fujifilm, gfx, gfx50r, medium format, portrait3 Comments Slow Portraits with Fast Lenses Bert StephaniJanuary 30, 2023fuji, fujifilm, gfx, gfx50r, medium format, portrait3 Comments
Bert StephaniJune 07, 2021portrait, intimate, fujifilm, fuji, gfx, medium format, model, lingerie2 Comments Slow portraits with Elle Bert StephaniJune 07, 2021portrait, intimate, fujifilm, fuji, gfx, medium format, model, lingerie2 Comments
Bert StephaniApril 17, 2021gfx, fujifilm, fuji, medium format, coast, black and whiteComment Coast and the Power of Imperfect Glass Bert StephaniApril 17, 2021gfx, fujifilm, fuji, medium format, coast, black and whiteComment