Civi Street

It’s been a while … again … but I’ve been pretty busy. As some of you already know, I’m juggling a “real” job and photography work these days. I’ve never made it a secret, but I never shouted it off the rooftops either. I’ll admit that it took a bit of a fight with my ill-advised ego to not see it as a step backwards. There is no shame in choosing a bit of stability in uncertain times. Apart from the immediate need because of some nasty virus, there’s more to this decision too.
I know a lot of photographers had to make a similar move. And I also know of people who got in trouble because they couldn’t make such a move. I think it’s something that we should be able to talk about without it being about the quality of your photography. So when my friend Neale James asked me if I wanted to talk about Civi Street (as he calls it) on his excellent podcast, Photography Daily, I didn’t have to think about it.
You can listen to the full episode here:
The one thing that I’d like to add for clarity towards my clients:
Yes, I’m still the same working professional photographer who’s always willing to make time for interesting assignments. I probably do close to the same amount of jobs as I did when I was a fulltime photographer these days. Photography work has picked up again and if it keeps going this way, I’m definitely considering coming back to full time.