Hi Bert, would you like to test the new Fujinon XF33mm F1.4?
That’s how it goes with these assignments from Fujifilm to test and promote a new product. The only guideline that I got: make portraits and a video of about 5 minutes. That’s it, nothing more, do your thing.
It’s equally liberating and frightening to get carte blanche. Do what you want, sounds good but at the same time it makes me really insecure. Will people like my angle? Will the Fuji guys ever give me another assignment? And then there’s the pressure of knowing some of the best photographers in the world will have received that very same assignment.
Anyway, here’s the video and most of the pictures that appear in the video. As usual, I worked my ass off for this project and out of insecurity shot way more than I needed. Over the next days and weeks, I’ll show you some more pictures and tell you more about my time with this new lens and how I approached this project.